That took a painful 3 weeks to get here. My VGA box finally got here, and the remote doesn't work. All aside, the thing works just have to get my switcher working or get a new one.
I finally got my new monitor unpacked. And quite frankly, it is awesome. No bells or whistles. No bullshit. The monitor in question is an I-INC iF281DPB. What I like about it is it just has 2 inputs; HDMI and YPbPr/VGA. The selling point was the full HD and the price; $350. I hope to get about 4-5 years out of this monitor. If you were wondering the model of TV I had that died, it was an Olevia LT26HVX that I got 3 weeks shy of 3 years ago. Here's a picture of the new monitor if you're interested.
I found this really sexy monitor at TigerDirect for $350. I ordered it a couple days ago, all I have to do is wait until tomorrow to unpack it and and set it up. Also i ordered a VGA box and PS2/3 component video cable from DealExtreme. Gotta wait until they get here. Catch ya later!
My TV of 4 years finally died, but it was a long time coming. She will live on as she will be recycled. But the torch will be passed to a monitor that has VGA and HDMI inputs only, something simple and lightweight. On a lighter note, finally got my LCD panel working...sort of. I toasted the resistors for the backlight not realising that i was powering the panel THROUGH them.