While working on my computer yesterday my external harddrive went tits-up on me. I went online and Goog'ed for harddrive recovery. Applied for recovery. Now I'm waiting.
My sister ever since turning 18 has been nothing but a manipulative, lazy, useless, bitch who expects everyone around her to listen to her when she smokes pot, drinks like a fish, and other assorted bullshit. And I'm unstable. Right.
While surfing the web I came across a not-so-small package on modarchive.org. It weighs in at 29 GiBs. Try downloading that on dialup, now the digital junkbin I call an external folder is now 70+ GiBs in size from only about 25 Gs!
The Holy Grail of all computing names will be resurrected here in the US! COMMODORE!!! 'Nuff said. I have died and gone to heaven all I gotta' do is save my pennies and I'll have a shot at getting a (VIC-)XX series sys and I'll be set to rule all PC's.